Inspire Yourself with these 6 Themes

I’ve been on a creative binge lately. And for the New Year, I want to help inspire you, too!

I’ve been reading books and writing stories about some of the deepest, most profound themes I know.

You know, those deep, dark ideas that give a story its umph. That inspire us to reconsider our own lives. I’m not an English scholar, I’m just a journalist who also writes creatively … and who lives for stories.

To read them. To write them. To share them.

Huntington Beach, Copyright 2011 Shari LopatinSo I can’t tell you exactly why these themes resonate better than others. And of course, I can only speak for myself. However, I’ve noticed, some themes inspire us more than others.

And these are them:

1. Family

As a human race, perhaps one of our strongest Hierarchy of Needs, is the need to belong. The need for family. Think Fiddler on the Roof, or Sound of Music. Family doesn’t have to encompass a Brady Bunch story. The complicated love between rival brothers can tear at your heart more than a summer romance. Or, think of an orphan who’s sought a sense of family throughout her life, only to find rejection time and time again.

2. War

If you haven’t already, go see War Horse. War is such a great setting and theme for any story, because it offers the opportunity for many smaller, underlying themes. A husband and wife can reunite after years apart, thinking the other was dead. A sworn enemy can suddenly become a best friend. What does war make us realize about ourselves, as a society, and as individuals?

3. Guilt, and Redemption

Anne Lamott, author of Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, tells us that in every story, something or someone must die, or be saved. The theme of guilt and redemption can take us, literally, to that place. What deed in someone’s past could drive that person into utter self-destruction … and what power or action could literally free them, from their own cage? If you’ve ever read The Kite Runner, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

4. Wanting What You Can’t Have

A blind man who longs to see. A woman in love with a married man. A father who would give his life to hold his son, one final time. When we hear stories of others longing for what can never be theirs, we empathize. Our hearts literally ache for this character, as if we’d experienced his or her pain ourselves (and often times, we have).

5. A Forced Life Change

I saw the previews to a movie called The Vow, based on true events. A married couple of five years are in a car accident and both fall into a coma. The wife awakens with no memory. Her husband is a stranger. However, his love for her drives him to try and recreate their relationship, with the hopes his wife will fall in love with him again. Imagine if tomorrow, something dramatic happened to you, or someone you love. Suddenly, you lose your legs, or your child goes blind. How would you, and your loved ones, cope?

6. Identity and Heritage

I once heard a true story about a Mexican-American woman who grew up poor and ashamed of her heritage. When invited to speak at a prestigious event, her mother sewed a traditional Mexican dress for her daughter. The young woman refused it, and instead bought her own. She later married, and refused to teach her children Spanish. Years later, after her mother died, she found the old dress in her mother’s attic, boxed away. This time, she broke down crying. Denial—or even hatred—of one’s self-identity can drive destruction of epic proportions.

Me, in college

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What themes do you find inspiring, lasting? What can you never read enough of, or write too much of?

11 responses to “Inspire Yourself with these 6 Themes”

  1. #6 I guess is a theme that makes lots of stomachs churn at one point. Sometimes people find it very difficult to keep up with ‘where they came from’ believing that something of superior quality await them.

    Well, it is always like a 20 minutes sweet dream followed by an hour filled with nightmares. At last we learn and turn back to pick the little pieces left for us by nature.

  2. Agree with all the lovely commentors below. Very inspirational and insightful. Thanks!

  3. What a great post!!!

  4. Took me a bit to respond, even though I read this morning. Loved this post and have to agree with Julia. The very themes you so eloquently list are the themes I see in the fiction I read. Check out my stack of new reads for 2012: you’ll see many of these themes touched upon:

    I go for books that elicit an emotional response (i.e. I’m always driven to drama – in movies and in books, and the more a book makes me cry and cringe, the better). Character-driven books are the most fulfilling for me because authors do delves into those deep, dark themes you mention. I eat it up!

    Happy new year.

    1. “The Taker” sounds interesting, from the title alone (from your book stack!). I’m currently reading “The Book Thief,” and I highly recommend it! It touches on several of the themes I listed above, including family, war, and a forced life change. Basically, it’s about a 10-year-old German girl growing up in Nazi Germany, and whose foster parents hide a Jew in their basement. Narrated by Death, himself. Inspiring story! Makes you really think about your life, and your actions.

      But anyway, thank you Melissa! I’m all about the character-driven books that elicit emotional response too. Those are the stories that really last in my mind.

  5. I’m just getting started on a revision and this is exactlly what I needed to help me evaluate. Thanks!

    1. Oh, awesome!! So funny, because Julia said the exact same thing below. LOL! We must all be in that same mindset right now. Thank you, Shary! I feel so honored my words were able to help. 🙂

  6. Great ideas and examples, Shari. Really got me thinking. I’m going to bookmark this page! Thanks.

    1. I’m honored, Jessica, that you found this post useful enough to BOOKMARK it. Wow! 🙂 Thanks for your kind words.

  7. This was super helpful to read today — I’m in the midst of editing the draft of a WIP, and reading things like this really helps me as I clarify the inspiration behind what I’ve been writing. Thank you for posting this today!

    1. Oh Julia, that makes me so happy, that I was able to help! Thank YOU for reading, and letting me know your sweet, kind thoughts!

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